Archive Class

class pyneid.neid.Archive(**kwargs)[source]

‘Archive’ class provides NEID archive access functions for searching NEID data via TAP interface.

The user’s NEID credential given at login as a cookie file is used to search the proprietary data. In addition in the same python session as ‘login’, a token string will be saved in memory for searching the proprietary data without entering the cookie file.

In the following examples, “Neid” will represent an instance of the Archive class:


>>> import os
>>> import sys
>>> from pyneid.neid import Neid
>>> Neid.query_datetime ('l0',
>>>                      '2020-01-01 00:00:00/2020-12-31 23:59:59',
>>>                      outpath='./meta.xml')
download(metapath, datalevel, format, outdir, **kwargs)[source]

The download method allows users to download FITS files shown in the retrieved metadata file. The column ‘filepath’ must be included in the metadata file columns in order to download files.

Required Arguments:

metapath (string): a full path metadata table obtained from running

query methods

datalevel (string): l0, l1, l2, eng, solarl0, solarl1, solarl2, or


format (string): metasata table’s format: ipac, votable, csv, or tsv.

outdir (string): the directory for depositing the returned files

Optional Keyword Arguments:

cookiepath (string): cookie file path for downloading the proprietary

NEID data.

start_row (integer): starting row

end_row (integer): ending row


>>> ('./criteria.tbl',
>>>     'l0',
>>>     'ipac',
>>>     './dnload_dir',
>>>     cookiepath='mycookie',
>>>     start_row=0,
>>>     end_row=10)

login method validates a user has a valid NEID account; it takes two ‘keyword’ arguments: userid and password. If the inputs are not provided in the keyword, the auth method prompts for inputs.

Required Keyword Arguments:

>>> userid     (string): a valid user id assigned by NEID;
>>> password   (string): a valid password in the NEID's user table;

Optional Keyword Arguments:

>>> cookiepath (string): a file path provided by the user to save
>>>     returned cookie (in login method) or to serve as input
>>>     argument for the subsequent Neid query and download methods.

Calling synopsis:

>>> Neid.login (userid='xxxx',
>>>             password='xxxxxx',
>>>             cookiepath='mycookie'), or
>>> Neid.login (cookiepath='mycookie'): and the program will
>>>     prompt for userid and password

login method returns both cookie header and a token string in the returned message jason structure.

If cookiepath is provided, the cookie will be saved to the cookiepath.

The token string will be saved in the variable “token” in memory to be used for other Neid methods in the same python session.

query_adql(query, **kwargs)[source]
‘query_adql’ method receives a qualified ADQL query string from

user input.

Required Arguments:

query (string): a ADQL query

Optional Keyword Arguments:

outpath (string): a full output filepath of the returned metadata table

cookiepath (string): a full cookie file path saved from login for

querying the proprietary NEID data.

format (string): votable, ipac, csv, tsv (default: votable)

maxrec (integer): (optional) maximum records to be returned

default: -1 or not specified will return all requested records


>>> query = "select * from neidl0"
>>> Neid.query_adql (query,
>>>     cookiepath='mycookie',
>>>     outpath='./adql..tbl')
query_criteria(param, **kwargs)[source]
‘query_criteria’ method allows the search of NEID data by multiple

the parameters specified in a dictionary (param).

Required Arguments:

param (dict): a dictionary containing the allowable Neid search

parameters – datalevel, datetime, position, target, program; it is a way of combining multiple constraints in a search.

Optional Keyword Arguments:

outpath (string): a full output filepath for the returned metadata table

cookiepath (string): a full cookie file path saved from login for

querying the proprietary NEID data.

format (string): votable, ipac, csv, tsv (default: votable)

maxrec (integer): maximum records to be returned

default: -1 or not specified will return all requested records


>>> param = dict()
>>> param['datalevel'] = 'l0'
>>> param['datetime'] = '2021-01-14 00:00:00/2021-01-14 23:59:59'
>>> param['object'] = 'HD 95735'
>>> Neid.query_criteria (param,
>>>     cookiepath='./neidadmincookie.txt',
>>>     format='ipac',
>>>     outpath='./criteria.tbl')
query_datetime(datalevel, datetime, **kwargs)[source]

‘query_datetime’ method search NEID data by ‘datetime’ range

Required Arguments:

datalevel (string): l0, l1, l2, eng, solarl0, solarl1, solarl2, or

solareng; all in lower cases.

datetime (string): a datetime string in the format of

datetime1/datetime2 where ‘/’ separates the two datetime values of format ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss’

the following inputs are acceptable:

datetime1/: will search data with datetime later than (>=)


/datetime2: will search data with datetime earlier than (<=)


datetime1: will search data with datetime equal to (=) datetime1,

(this is not recommended)

Optional Keyword Arguments:

outpath (string): a full output filepath of the returned metadata table; without this input the returned data will be saved in the astropy

table in the memory.

cookiepath (string): (optional) a full cookie file path saved from

login for querying the proprietary NEID data.

format (string): (optional) Output format: votable, ipac, csv, tsv

(default: votable)

maxrec (integer): (optional) maximum records to be returned

default: -1 or not specified will return all requested records


>>> Neid.query_datetime ('l0',
>>>                      '2020-11-16 06:10:55/2020-11-18 00:00:00',
>>>                      outpath=outpath)
>>> Neid.query_datetime ('l1',
>>>                      '2020-11-16 06:10:55/',
>>>                      cookiepath='mycookie',
>>>                      outpath=outpath)
>>> Neid.query_datetime ('l2',
>>>                      '/2020-112-18 00:00:00',
>>>                      outpath=outpath)
query_object(datalevel, object, **kwargs)[source]

‘query_object’ method search NEID data by ‘object name’. This method resolves the object name into coordiates to be used as the center of the circle position search with default radius of 0.5 deg.

Required Arguments:

datalevel (string): l0, l1, l2, eng, solarl0, solarl1, solarl2,

or solareng; all in lowercases.

object (string): an object name resolvable by SIMBAD, NED, and

ExoPlanet’s name_resolve;

Optional Keyword Arguments:

outpath (string): a full output filepath of the returned metadata


cookiepath (string): a full cookie file path saved from login for

querying the proprietary NEID data.

format (string): votable, ipac, csv, tsv (default: votable)

maxrec (integer): maximum records to be returned

default: -1 or not specified will return all requested records


>>> Neid ('l1',
>>>       'WD 1145+017',
>>>       cookiepath= 'mycookie',
>>>       outpath=outpath)
query_piname(datalevel, piname, **kwargs)[source]

‘query_piname’ method search NEID data by PI name

Required Arguments:

datalevel (string): l0, l1, l2, eng, solarl0, solarl1, solarl2,

or solareng; all in lowercases.

piname (string): PI name as formated in the project’s catalog

Optional Keyword Arguments:

outpath (string): a full output filepath of the returned metadata table

cookiepath (string): a full cookie file path saved from login for

querying the proprietary NEID data.

format (string): votable, ipac, csv, tsv (default: votable)

maxrec (integer): maximum records to be returned

default: -1 or not specified will return all requested records

query_position(datalevel, position, **kwargs)[source]

‘query_position’ method search NEID data by ‘position’

Required Arguments:

datalevel (string): l0, l1, l2, eng, solarl0, solarl1, solarl2,

solareng; all in lowercases.

position (string): a position string in the format of

  1. circle ra dec radius;

  2. polygon ra1 dec1 ra2 dec2 ra3 dec3 ra4 dec4;

  3. box ra dec width height;

All ra dec should be specified in decimal degree J2000 coordinates.


datalevel = ‘l1’, pos = ‘circle 230.0 45.0 0.5’

Optional Keyword Arguments:

outpath (string): a full output filepath for the returned metadata table

cookiepath (string): a full cookie file path saved from login for

querying the proprietary NEID data.

format (string): votable, ipac, csv, tsv (default: votable)

maxrec (integer): maximum records to be returned

default: -1 or not specified will return all requested records


>>> Neid.query_position ('l1',
>>>                      'circle 230.0 45.0 0.5',
>>>                      cookiepath='mycookie',
>>>                      outpath=outpath)
query_program(datalevel, program, **kwargs)[source]

‘query_program’ method search NEID data by ‘program’

Required Arguments:

datalevel (string): l0, l1, l2, eng, solarl0, solarl1, solarl2,

or solareng; all in lowercases.

program (string): program ID in the project’s catalog

Optional Keyword Arguments:

outpath (string): a full output filepath of the returned metadata table

cookiepath (string): a full cookie file path saved from login for

querying the proprietary NEID data.

format (string): votable, ipac, csv, tsv (default: ipac)

maxrec (integer): maximum records to be returned

default: -1 or not specified will return all requested records


>>> Neid.query_position ('l1',
>>>                      'circle 230.0 45.0 0.5',
>>>                      cookiepath='mycookie',
>>>                      outpath=outpath)
query_qobject(datalevel, qobject, **kwargs)[source]

‘query_qobject’ method search NEID data for ‘qobject’ column value. This method resolves the object name into coordiates to be used as the center of the circle position search with default radius of 0.5 deg.

Required Arguments:

datalevel (string): l0, l1, l2, eng, solarl0, solarl1, solarl2,

or solareng; all in lowercases

qobject (string): an object name as specified in the QOBJECT column.

This is usually the Gaia DR2 ID

Optional Keyword Arguments:

outpath (string): a full output filepath of the returned metadata table

cookiepath (string): a full cookie file path saved from login for

querying the proprietary NEID data.

format (string): votable, ipac, csv, tsv (default: votable)

maxrec (integer): maximum records to be returned

default: -1 or not specified will return all requested records