Source code for pyneid.neid.core

import os
import sys
import io
import getpass
import logging
import json

import time
import xmltodict
import tempfile
import bs4 as bs

import requests
import urllib
import http.cookiejar

from astropy.table import Table, Column

from . import conf

[docs]class Archive: """ 'Archive' class provides NEID archive access functions for searching NEID data via TAP interface. The user's NEID credential given at login as a cookie file is used to search the proprietary data. In addition in the same python session as 'login', a token string will be saved in memory for searching the proprietary data without entering the cookie file. In the following examples, "Neid" will represent an instance of the Archive class: Examples: >>> import os >>> import sys >>> from pyneid.neid import Neid >>> Neid.query_datetime ('l0', >>> '2020-01-01 00:00:00/2020-12-31 23:59:59', >>> outpath='./meta.xml') """ tap = None parampath = '' outpath = '' format = 'ipac' maxrec = -1 query = '' content_type = '' outdir = '' astropytbl = None ndnloaded = 0 cookiepath = '' token = '' status = '' msg = '' debugfname = './archive.debug' debug = 0 def __init__(self, **kwargs): if ('debugfile' in kwargs): self.debug = 1 self.debugfname = kwargs.get ('debugfile') if (len(self.debugfname) > 0): logging.basicConfig (filename=self.debugfname, \ level=logging.DEBUG) with open (self.debugfname, 'w') as fdebug: pass if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter Archive.init:') """retrieve baseurl from conf class; during dev or test, baseurl will be a keyword input """ self.baseurl = conf.server self.baseurl = '' if ('server' in kwargs): self.baseurl = kwargs.get ('server') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'baseurl= {self.baseurl:s}') """urls for, nph-neidLogin, nph-neidMakeQyery, nph-neidDownload """ self.tap_url = self.baseurl + '/TAP' self.login_url = self.baseurl + 'cgi-bin/NeidAPI/' self.makequery_url = self.baseurl + 'cgi-bin/NeidAPI/' self.getneid_url = self.baseurl + 'cgi-bin/NeidAPI/' if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'login_url= [{self.login_url:s}]') logging.debug (f'tap_url= [{self.tap_url:s}]') logging.debug (f'makequery_url= [{self.makequery_url:s}]') logging.debug (f'self.getneid_url= {self.getneid_url:s}') return
[docs] def login (self, **kwargs): """ login method validates a user has a valid NEID account; it takes two 'keyword' arguments: userid and password. If the inputs are not provided in the keyword, the auth method prompts for inputs. Required Keyword Arguments: >>> userid (string): a valid user id assigned by NEID; >>> password (string): a valid password in the NEID's user table; Optional Keyword Arguments: >>> cookiepath (string): a file path provided by the user to save >>> returned cookie (in login method) or to serve as input >>> argument for the subsequent Neid query and download methods. Calling synopsis: >>> Neid.login (userid='xxxx', >>> password='xxxxxx', >>> cookiepath='mycookie'), or >>> Neid.login (cookiepath='mycookie'): and the program will >>> prompt for userid and password login method returns both cookie header and a token string in the returned message jason structure. If cookiepath is provided, the cookie will be saved to the cookiepath. The token string will be saved in the variable "token" in memory to be used for other Neid methods in the same python session. """ if (self.debug == 0): if ('debugfile' in kwargs): self.debug = 1 self.debugfname = kwargs.get ('debugfile') if (len(self.debugfname) > 0): logging.basicConfig (filename=self.debugfname, \ level=logging.DEBUG) with open (self.debugfname, 'w') as fdebug: pass if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('debug turned on') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter login:') userid= '' password = '' if ('userid' in kwargs): userid = kwargs.get ('userid') if ('password' in kwargs): password = kwargs.get ('password') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'userid= [{userid:s}]') logging.debug (f'password= [{password:s}]') url = '' response = '' jsondata = '' self.status = '' self.msg = '' """get userid and password via keyboard input """ if (len(userid) == 0): userid = input ("Userid: ") if (len(password) == 0): password = getpass.getpass ("Password: ") """hide debug password printout password = urllib.parse.quote (password) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'password= {password:s}') """ """retrieve baseurl from conf class; """ self.baseurl = conf.server if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'baseurl (from conf)= {self.baseurl:s}') """retrieve cookiepath """ if ('cookiepath' in kwargs): self.cookiepath = kwargs.get ('cookiepath') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'cookiepath= {self.cookiepath:s}') """construct full url for login """ if ('server' in kwargs): self.baseurl = kwargs.get ('server') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'baseurl= {self.baseurl:s}') self.login_url = self.baseurl + 'cgi-bin/NeidAPI/' if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'login_url= [{self.login_url:s}]') param = dict() param['userid'] = userid param['password'] = password data_encoded = urllib.parse.urlencode (param) url = self.login_url + data_encoded if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'url= [{url:s}]') """cookiejar declared and linked to cookiepath """ if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('declare request session with cookie') session = requests.Session() session.cookies = http.cookiejar.MozillaCookieJar (self.cookiepath) cookiejar = session.cookies response = None try: response = session.get (url, cookies=cookiejar) except Exception as e: self.msg = str(e) print (self.msg) return if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('response.text: ') logging.debug (response.text) logging.debug ('response.headers: ') logging.debug (response.headers) """check content-type in response header: it should be an 'application/json' structure, parse for returned status and message """ contenttype = response.headers['Content-type'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'contenttype= {contenttype:s}') jsondata = json.loads (response.text); for key,val in jsondata.items(): if (key == 'status'): self.status = val if (key == 'msg'): self.msg = val if (key == 'token'): self.token = val if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'status= {self.status:s}') logging.debug (f'msg= {self.msg:s}') logging.debug (f'token= {self.token:s}') logging.debug (f'cookiepath= {self.cookiepath:s}') if (self.status == 'ok'): self.msg = 'Successfully login as ' + userid if (len(self.cookiepath) > 0): () self.cookie_loaded = 1 """print out cookie values in debug file """ if self.debug: for cookie in cookiejar: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('cookie saved:') logging.debug (cookie) logging.debug (f' {}') logging.debug (f'cookie.value= {cookie.value:s}') logging.debug (f'cookie.domain= {cookie.domain:s}') else: self.msg = 'Failed to login: ' + self.msg print (self.msg) return
[docs] def query_datetime (self, datalevel, datetime, **kwargs): """'query_datetime' method search NEID data by 'datetime' range Required Arguments: datalevel (string): l0, l1, l2, eng, solarl0, solarl1, solarl2, solareng datetime (string): a datetime string in the format of datetime1/datetime2 where '/' separates the two datetime values of format 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' the following inputs are acceptable: datetime1/: will search data with datetime later than (>=) datetime1 /datetime2: will search data with datetime earlier than (<=) datetime2 datetime1: will search data with datetime equal to (=) datetime1, (this is not recommended) Optional Keyword Arguments: outpath (string): a full output filepath of the returned metadata table; without this input the returned data will be saved in the astropy table in the memory. cookiepath (string): (optional) a full cookie file path saved from login for querying the proprietary NEID data. format (string): (optional) Output format: votable, ipac, csv, tsv (default: votable) maxrec (integer): (optional) maximum records to be returned default: -1 or not specified will return all requested records Examples: >>> Neid.query_datetime ('l0', >>> '2020-11-16 06:10:55/2020-11-18 00:00:00', >>> outpath=outpath) >>> Neid.query_datetime ('l1', >>> '2020-11-16 06:10:55/', >>> cookiepath='mycookie', >>> outpath=outpath) >>> Neid.query_datetime ('l2', >>> '/2020-112-18 00:00:00', >>> outpath=outpath) """ if (self.debug == 0): if ('debugfile' in kwargs): self.debug = 1 self.debugfname = kwargs.get ('debugfile') if (len(self.debugfname) > 0): logging.basicConfig (filename=self.debugfname, \ level=logging.DEBUG) with open (self.debugfname, 'w') as fdebug: pass if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('debug turned on') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter query_datetime:') datalevel = str(datalevel) if (len(datalevel) == 0): print ('Failed to find required parameter: datalevel') return datetime = str(datetime) if (len(datetime) == 0): print ('Failed to find required parameter: datetime') return self.datalevel = datalevel self.datetime = datetime if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'datalevel= {self.datalevel:s}') logging.debug (f'datetime= {self.datetime:s}') """send url to server to construct the select statement """ param = dict() param['datalevel'] = self.datalevel param['datetime'] = self.datetime if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('call query_criteria') self.query_criteria (param, **kwargs) return
[docs] def query_position (self, datalevel, position, **kwargs): """ 'query_position' method search NEID data by 'position' Required Arguments: datalevel (string): l0, l1, l2, eng, solarl0, solarl1, solarl2, solareng position (string): a position string in the format of 1. circle ra dec radius; 2. polygon ra1 dec1 ra2 dec2 ra3 dec3 ra4 dec4; 3. box ra dec width height; All ra dec should be specified in decimal degree J2000 coordinates. e.g. instrument = 'l1', pos = 'circle 230.0 45.0 0.5' Optional Keyword Arguments: outpath (string): a full output filepath for the returned metadata table cookiepath (string): a full cookie file path saved from login for querying the proprietary NEID data. format (string): votable, ipac, csv, tsv (default: votable) maxrec (integer): maximum records to be returned default: -1 or not specified will return all requested records Examples: >>> Neid.query_position ('l1', >>> 'circle 230.0 45.0 0.5', >>> cookiepath='mycookie', >>> outpath=outpath) """ if (self.debug == 0): if ('debugfile' in kwargs): self.debug = 1 self.debugfname = kwargs.get ('debugfile') if (len(self.debugfname) > 0): logging.basicConfig (filename=self.debugfname, \ level=logging.DEBUG) with open (self.debugfname, 'w') as fdebug: pass if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('debug turned on') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter query_position:') datalevel = str(datalevel) if (len(datalevel) == 0): print ('Failed to find required parameter: datalevel') return if (len(position) == 0): print ('Failed to find required parameter: position') return self.datalevel = datalevel self.position = position if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'datalevel= {self.datalevel:s}') logging.debug (f'position= {self.position:s}') """send url to server to construct the select statement """ param = dict() param['datalevel'] = self.datalevel param['position'] = self.position self.query_criteria (param, **kwargs) return
[docs] def query_object (self, datalevel, object, **kwargs): """ 'query_object' method search NEID data by 'object name'. This method resolves the object name into coordiates to be used as the center of the circle position search with default radius of 0.5 deg. Required Arguments: datalevel: l0, l1, l2, eng, solarl0, solarl1, solarl2, or solareng object (string): an object name resolvable by SIMBAD, NED, and ExoPlanet's name_resolve; Optional Keyword Arguments: outpath (string): a full output filepath of the returned metadata table cookiepath (string): a full cookie file path saved from login for querying the proprietary NEID data. format (string): votable, ipac, csv, tsv (default: votable) maxrec (integer): maximum records to be returned default: -1 or not specified will return all requested records Example: >>> Neid ('l1', >>> 'WD 1145+017', >>> cookiepath= 'mycookie', >>> outpath=outpath) """ if (self.debug == 0): if ('debugfile' in kwargs): self.debug = 1 self.debugfname = kwargs.get ('debugfile') if (len(self.debugfname) > 0): logging.basicConfig (filename=self.debugfname, \ level=logging.DEBUG) with open (self.debugfname, 'w') as fdebug: pass if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('debug turned on') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter query_object_name:') datalevel = str(datalevel) if (len(datalevel) == 0): print ('Failed to find required parameter: datalevel') return if (len(object) == 0): print ('Failed to find required parameter: object') return self.datalevel = datalevel self.object = object if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'datalevel= {self.datalevel:s}') logging.debug (f'object= {self.object:s}') radius = 0.5 if ('radius' in kwargs): radiusi_str = kwargs.get('radius') radius = float(radius_str) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'radius= {radius:f}') lookup = None try: if self.debug: lookup = objLookup (object, debug=1) else: lookup = objLookup (object) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('objLookup run successful and returned') except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'objLookup error: {str(e):s}') print (str(e)) return if (lookup.status == 'error'): self.msg = 'Input object [' + object + '] lookup error: ' + \ lookup.msg print (self.msg) return if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'source= {lookup.source:s}') logging.debug (f'objname= {lookup.objname:s}') logging.debug (f'objtype= {lookup.objtype:s}') logging.debug (f'objdesc= {lookup.objdesc:s}') logging.debug (f'parsename= {lookup.parsename:s}') logging.debug (f'ra2000= {lookup.ra2000:s}') logging.debug (f'dec2000= {lookup.dec2000:s}') logging.debug (f'cra2000= {lookup.cra2000:s}') logging.debug (f'cdec2000= {lookup.cdec2000:s}') ra2000 = lookup.ra2000 dec2000 = lookup.dec2000 self.position = 'circle ' + ra2000 + ' ' + dec2000 + ' ' + str(radius) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'position= {self.position:s}') print (f'object name resolved: ra2000= {ra2000:s}, de2000c={dec2000:s}') """send url to server to construct the select statement """ param = dict() param['datalevel'] = self.datalevel param['position'] = self.position self.query_criteria (param, **kwargs) return
[docs] def query_qobject (self, datalevel, qobject, **kwargs): """ 'query_qobject' method search NEID data for 'qobject' column value. This method resolves the object name into coordiates to be used as the center of the circle position search with default radius of 0.5 deg. Required Arguments: datalevel: l0, l1, l2, eng, solarl0, solarl1, solarl2, solareng qobject (string): an object name as specified in the QOBJECT column. This is usually the Gaia DR2 ID Optional Keyword Arguments: outpath (string): a full output filepath of the returned metadata table cookiepath (string): a full cookie file path saved from login for querying the proprietary NEID data. format (string): votable, ipac, csv, tsv (default: votable) maxrec (integer): maximum records to be returned default: -1 or not specified will return all requested records """ if (self.debug == 0): if ('debugfile' in kwargs): self.debug = 1 self.debugfname = kwargs.get ('debugfile') if (len(self.debugfname) > 0): logging.basicConfig (filename=self.debugfname, \ level=logging.DEBUG) with open (self.debugfname, 'w') as fdebug: pass if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('debug turned on') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter query_object_name:') datalevel = str(datalevel) if (len(datalevel) == 0): print ('Failed to find required parameter: datalevel') return if (len(qobject) == 0): print ('Failed to find required parameter: qobject') return self.datalevel = datalevel self.qobject = qobject if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'datalevel= {self.datalevel:s}') logging.debug (f'qobject= {self.qobject:s}') radius = 0.5 if ('radius' in kwargs): radiusi_str = kwargs.get('radius') radius = float(radius_str) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'radius= {radius:f}') """send url to server to construct the select statement """ param = dict() param['datalevel'] = self.datalevel param['qobject'] = self.qobject self.query_criteria (param, **kwargs) return
[docs] def query_piname (self, datalevel, piname, **kwargs): """ 'query_piname' method search NEID data by PI name Required Arguments: datalevel (string): l0, l1, l2, eng, solarl0, solarl1, solarl2, or solareng piname (string): PI name as formated in the project's catalog Optional Keyword Arguments: outpath (string): a full output filepath of the returned metadata table cookiepath (string): a full cookie file path saved from login for querying the proprietary NEID data. format (string): votable, ipac, csv, tsv (default: votable) maxrec (integer): maximum records to be returned default: -1 or not specified will return all requested records """ if (self.debug == 0): if ('debugfile' in kwargs): self.debug = 1 self.debugfname = kwargs.get ('debugfile') if (len(self.debugfname) > 0): logging.basicConfig (filename=self.debugfname, \ level=logging.DEBUG) with open (self.debugfname, 'w') as fdebug: pass if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('debug turned on') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter query_piname:') datalevel = str(datalevel) if (len(datalevel) == 0): print ('Failed to find required parameter: datalevel') return if (len(piname) == 0): print ('Failed to find required parameter: piname') return self.datalevel = datalevel self.piname = piname if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'datalevel= {self.datalevel:s}') logging.debug (f'piname= {self.piname:s}') """send url to server to construct the select statement """ param = dict() param['datalevel'] = self.datalevel param['piname'] = self.piname self.query_criteria (param, **kwargs) return
[docs] def query_program (self, datalevel, program, **kwargs): """ 'query_program' method search NEID data by 'program' Required Arguments: datalevel (string): l0, l1, l2, eng, solarl0, solarl1, solarl2, solareng program (string): program ID in the project's catalog Optional Keyword Arguments: outpath (string): a full output filepath of the returned metadata table cookiepath (string): a full cookie file path saved from login for querying the proprietary NEID data. format (string): votable, ipac, csv, tsv (default: ipac) maxrec (integer): maximum records to be returned default: -1 or not specified will return all requested records Examples: >>> Neid.query_position ('l1', >>> 'circle 230.0 45.0 0.5', >>> cookiepath='mycookie', >>> outpath=outpath) """ if (self.debug == 0): if ('debugfile' in kwargs): self.debug = 1 self.debugfname = kwargs.get ('debugfile') if (len(self.debugfname) > 0): logging.basicConfig (filename=self.debugfname, \ level=logging.DEBUG) with open (self.debugfname, 'w') as fdebug: pass if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('debug turned on') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter query_program:') datalevel = str(datalevel) if (len(datalevel) == 0): print ('Failed to find required parameter: datalevel') return if (len(program) == 0): print ('Failed to find required parameter: program') return self.datalevel = datalevel self.program = program if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'datalevel= {self.datalevel:s}') logging.debug (f'program= {self.program:s}') """send url to server to construct the select statement """ param = dict() param['datalevel'] = self.datalevel param['program'] = self.program self.query_criteria (param, **kwargs) return
[docs] def query_criteria (self, param, **kwargs): """ 'query_criteria' method allows the search of NEID data by multiple the parameters specified in a dictionary (param). Required Arguments: param (dict): a dictionary containing the allowable Neid search parameters -- datalevel, datetime, position, target, program; it is a way of combining multiple constraints in a search. Optional Keyword Arguments: outpath (string): a full output filepath for the returned metadata table cookiepath (string): a full cookie file path saved from login for querying the proprietary NEID data. format (string): votable, ipac, csv, tsv (default: votable) maxrec (integer): maximum records to be returned default: -1 or not specified will return all requested records Example: >>> param = dict() >>> param['datalevel'] = 'l0' >>> param['datetime'] = '2021-01-14 00:00:00/2021-01-14 23:59:59' >>> param['object'] = 'HD 95735' >>> Neid.query_criteria (param, >>> cookiepath='./neidadmincookie.txt', >>> format='ipac', >>> outpath='./criteria.tbl') """ if (self.debug == 0): if ('debugfile' in kwargs): self.debug = 1 self.debugfname = kwargs.get ('debugfile') if (len(self.debugfname) > 0): logging.basicConfig (filename=self.debugfname, \ level=logging.DEBUG) with open (self.debugfname, 'w') as fdebug: pass if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('debug turned on') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter query_criteria') """retrieve keyword parameters """ if ('outpath' in kwargs): self.outpath = kwargs.get('outpath') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'outpath= {self.outpath:s}') if ('cookiepath' in kwargs): self.cookiepath = kwargs.get('cookiepath') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'cookiepath= {self.cookiepath:s}') if ('token' in kwargs): self.token = kwargs.get('token') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'token= {self.token:s}') len_param = len(param) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'len_param= {len_param:d}') for k,v in param.items(): logging.debug (f'k, v= {k:s}, {str(v):s}') """send url to server to construct the select statement """ self.format ='votable' if ('format' in kwargs): self.format = kwargs.get('format') self.maxrec = -1 if ('maxrec' in kwargs): self.maxrec = kwargs.get('maxrec') try: self.maxrec = float(self.maxrec) self.maxrec = int(self.maxrec) except Exception as e: print (f'Failed to convert maxrec: ' + str(self.maxrec) + \ ' to integer.') return if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'format= {self.format:s}') logging.debug (f'maxrec= {self.maxrec:d}') data = urllib.parse.urlencode (param) """retrieve baseurl from conf class; during dev or test, baseurl will be a keyword input """ self.baseurl = conf.server if ('server' in kwargs): self.baseurl = kwargs.get ('server') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'baseurl= {self.baseurl:s}') """urls for, nph-neidLogin, nph-neidMakeQyery, nph-neidDownload """ self.tap_url = self.baseurl + 'TAP' self.makequery_url = self.baseurl + 'cgi-bin/NeidAPI/' if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'tap_url= [{self.tap_url:s}]') logging.debug (f'makequery_url= [{self.makequery_url:s}]') url = self.makequery_url + data if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'url= {url:s}') query = '' try: query = self.__make_query (url) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('returned __make_query') except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'Error: {str(e):s}') print (str(e)) return if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'query= {query:s}') self.query = query """send tap query """ self.tap = None if (len(self.cookiepath) > 0): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('xxx0') logging.debug (f'cookiepath= {self.cookiepath:s}') if self.debug: try: self.tap = NeidTap (self.tap_url, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec, \ cookiefile=self.cookiepath, \ debug=1) except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'Error: {str(e):s}') print (str(e)) return else: try: self.tap = NeidTap (self.tap_url, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec, \ cookiefile=self.cookiepath) except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'Error: {str(e):s}') print (str(e)) return elif (len(self.token) > 0): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('xxx1') logging.debug (f'token= {self.token:s}') if self.debug: try: self.tap = NeidTap (self.tap_url, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec, \ token=self.token, \ debug=1) except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'Error: {str(e):s}') print (str(e)) return else: try: self.tap = NeidTap (self.tap_url, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec, \ token=self.token) except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'Error: {str(e):s}') print (str(e)) return else: if self.debug: try: self.tap = NeidTap (self.tap_url, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec, \ debug=1) except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'Error: {str(e):s}') print (str(e)) return else: try: self.tap = NeidTap (self.tap_url, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec) except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'Error: {str(e):s}') print (str(e)) return if self.debug: logging.debug('') logging.debug('NeidTap initialized') logging.debug('') logging.debug(f'query= {query:s}') print ('submitting request...') if self.debug: logging.debug('') logging.debug('call self.tap.send_async with debug') retstr = self.tap.send_async (query, \ outpath=self.outpath, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec, debug=1) else: logging.debug('') logging.debug('call self.tap.send_async NO debug') retstr = self.tap.send_async (query, \ outpath=self.outpath, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'return self.tap.send_async:') logging.debug (f'retstr= {retstr:s}') retstr_lower = retstr.lower() indx = retstr_lower.find ('error') if (indx >= 0): print (retstr) sys.exit() """no error: """ print (retstr) return
[docs] def query_adql (self, query, **kwargs): """ 'query_adql' method receives a qualified ADQL query string from user input. Required Arguments: query (string): a ADQL query Optional Keyword Arguments: outpath (string): a full output filepath of the returned metadata table cookiepath (string): a full cookie file path saved from login for querying the proprietary NEID data. format (string): votable, ipac, csv, tsv (default: votable) maxrec (integer): (optional) maximum records to be returned default: -1 or not specified will return all requested records Example: >>> query = "select * from neidl0" >>> Neid.query_adql (query, >>> cookiepath='mycookie', >>> outpath='./adql..tbl') """ if (self.debug == 0): if ('debugfile' in kwargs): self.debug = 1 self.debugfname = kwargs.get ('debugfile') if (len(self.debugfname) > 0): logging.basicConfig (filename=self.debugfname, \ level=logging.DEBUG) with open (self.debugfname, 'w') as fdebug: pass if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('debug turned on') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter query_adql:') if (len(query) == 0): print ('Failed to find required parameter: query') return self.query = query if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'query= {self.query:s}') if ('cookiepath' in kwargs): self.cookiepath = kwargs.get('cookiepath') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'cookiepath= {self.cookiepath:s}') self.outpath = '' if ('outpath' in kwargs): self.outpath = kwargs.get('outpath') self.format = 'ipac' if ('format' in kwargs): self.format = kwargs.get('format') self.maxrec = -1 if ('maxrec' in kwargs): self.maxrec = kwargs.get('maxrec') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'outpath= {self.outpath:s}') logging.debug (f'format= {self.format:s}') logging.debug (f'maxrec= {self.maxrec:d}') """retrieve baseurl from conf class; """ self.baseurl = conf.server if ('server' in kwargs): self.baseurl = kwargs.get ('server') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'baseurl= {self.baseurl:s}') """urls for """ self.tap_url = self.baseurl + 'TAP' if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'tap_url= [{self.tap_url:s}]') """send tap query """ self.tap = None if (len(self.cookiepath) > 0): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('xxx0') logging.debug (f'cookiepath= {self.cookiepath:s}') if self.debug: try: self.tap = NeidTap (self.tap_url, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec, \ cookiefile=self.cookiepath, \ debug=1) except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'Error: {str(e):s}') print (str(e)) return else: try: self.tap = NeidTap (self.tap_url, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec, \ cookiefile=self.cookiepath) except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'Error: {str(e):s}') print (str(e)) return elif (len(self.token) > 0): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('xxx1') logging.debug (f'token= {self.token:s}') if self.debug: try: self.tap = NeidTap (self.tap_url, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec, \ token=self.token, \ debug=1) except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'Error: {str(e):s}') print (str(e)) return else: try: self.tap = NeidTap (self.tap_url, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec, \ token=self.token) except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'Error: {str(e):s}') print (str(e)) return else: if self.debug: try: self.tap = NeidTap (self.tap_url, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec, \ debug=1) except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'Error: {str(e):s}') print (str(e)) return else: try: self.tap = NeidTap (self.tap_url, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec) except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'Error: {str(e):s}') print (str(e)) return if self.debug: logging.debug('') logging.debug('NeidTap initialized') logging.debug(f'query= {query:s}') logging.debug('call self.tap.send_async') print ('submitting request...') if self.debug: if (len(self.outpath) > 0): retstr = self.tap.send_async (query, \ outpath=self.outpath, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec, \ debug=1) else: retstr = self.tap.send_async (query, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec, \ debug=1) else: if (len(self.outpath) > 0): retstr = self.tap.send_async (query, \ outpath=self.outpath, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec) else: retstr = self.tap.send_async (query, \ format=self.format, \ maxrec=self.maxrec) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'return self.tap.send_async:') logging.debug (f'retstr= {retstr:s}') retstr_lower = retstr.lower() indx = retstr_lower.find ('error') if (indx >= 0): print (retstr) sys.exit() """no error: """ print (retstr) return
def print_data (self): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter neid.print_data:') try: self.tap.print_data () except Exception as e: self.msg = 'Error print data: ' + str(e) print (self.msg) return
[docs] def download (self, metapath, datalevel, format, outdir, **kwargs): """ The download method allows users to download FITS files shown in the retrieved metadata file. The column 'filepath' must be included in the metadata file columns in order to download files. Required Arguments: metapath (string): a full path metadata table obtained from running query methods datalevel (string): l0, l1, l2, eng, solarl0, solarl1, solarl2, or solareng format (string): metasata table's format: ipac, votable, csv, or tsv. outdir (string): the directory for depositing the returned files Optional Keyword Arguments: cookiepath (string): cookie file path for downloading the proprietary NEID data. start_row (integer): starting row end_row (integer): ending row Exampled: >>> ('./criteria.tbl', >>> 'l0', >>> 'ipac', >>> './dnload_dir', >>> cookiepath='mycookie', >>> start_row=0, >>> end_row=10) """ if (self.debug == 0): if ('debugfile' in kwargs): self.debug = 1 self.debugfname = kwargs.get ('debugfile') if (len(self.debugfname) > 0): logging.basicConfig (filename=self.debugfname, \ level=logging.DEBUG) with open (self.debugfname, 'w') as fdebug: pass if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('debug turned on') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter download:') if (len(metapath) == 0): print ('Failed to find required input parameter: metapath') return if (len(format) == 0): print ('Failed to find required input parameter: format') return if (len(outdir) == 0): print ('Failed to find required input parameter: outdir') return self.metapath = metapath self.format = format self.outdir = outdir if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'metapath= {self.metapath:s}') logging.debug (f'format= {self.format:s}') logging.debug (f'outdir= {self.outdir:s}') self.token = '' if ('token' in kwargs): self.token = kwargs.get('token') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'token= {self.token:s}') self.cookiepath = '' if ('cookiepath' in kwargs): self.cookiepath = kwargs.get('cookiepath') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'cookiepath= {self.cookiepath:s}') """token take precedence: only load cookie if token doesn't exist """ cookiejar = None if (len(self.token) == 0): """{ load cookie to cookiejar """ if (len(self.cookiepath) > 0): cookiejar = http.cookiejar.MozillaCookieJar (self.cookiepath) try: cookiejar.load (ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True) if self.debug: logging.debug (\ f'cookie loaded from file: {self.cookiepath:s}') for cookie in cookiejar: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('cookie=') logging.debug (cookie) logging.debug (f' {}') logging.debug (f'cookie.value= {cookie.value:s}') logging.debug (f'cookie.domain= {cookie.domain:s}') except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'loadCookie exception: {str(e):s}') pass """} end load cookie to cookiejar """ fmt_astropy = self.format if (self.format == 'tsv'): fmt_astropy = '' if (self.format == 'csv'): fmt_astropy = 'ascii.csv' if (self.format == 'ipac'): fmt_astropy = 'ascii.ipac' """read metadata to astropy table """ self.astropytbl = None try: self.astropytbl = (self.metapath, format=fmt_astropy) except Exception as e: self.msg = 'Failed to read metadata table to astropy table:' + \ str(e) print (self.msg) sys.exit() self.len_tbl = len(self.astropytbl) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('self.astropytbl read') logging.debug (f'self.len_tbl= {self.len_tbl:d}') if (self.len_tbl == 0): print ('There is no data in the metadata table.') sys.exit() self.colnames = self.astropytbl.colnames if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('self.colnames:') logging.debug (self.colnames) self.len_col = len(self.colnames) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'self.len_col= {self.len_col:d}') #filenamecol = datalevel + 'filename' #filepathcol = datalevel + 'filepath' filenamecol = '' filepathcol = '' if ((datalevel == 'l0') or \ (datalevel == 'eng') or \ (datalevel == 'solarl0') or \ (datalevel == 'solareng')): filenamecol = 'l0filename' filepathcol = 'l0filepath' elif ((datalevel == 'l1') or \ (datalevel == 'eng') or \ (datalevel == 'solarl1') or \ (datalevel == 'solareng')): filenamecol = 'l1filename' filepathcol = 'l1filepath' elif ((datalevel == 'l2') or \ (datalevel == 'eng') or \ (datalevel == 'solarl2') or \ (datalevel == 'solareng')): filenamecol = 'l2filename' filepathcol = 'l2filepath' if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'filenamecol= {filenamecol:s}') logging.debug (f'filepathcol= {filepathcol:s}') ind_filenamecol = -1 ind_filepathcol = -1 for i in range (0, self.len_col): if (self.colnames[i].lower() == filenamecol): ind_filenamecol = i if (self.colnames[i].lower() == filepathcol): ind_filepathcol = i if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'ind_filenamecol= {ind_filenamecol:d}') logging.debug (f'ind_filepathcol= {ind_filepathcol:d}') if (ind_filenamecol == -1): msg = "Cannot find the necessary column: [" + filenamecol + \ "] in the metadata table for downloading data." raise Exception (msg) if (ind_filepathcol == -1): msg = "Cannot find the necessary column: [" + filepathcol + \ "] in the metadata table for downloading data." raise Exception (msg) calibfile = 0 """ if ('calibfile' in kwargs): calibfile = kwargs.get('calibfile') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'calibfile= {calibfile:d}') """ srow = 0; erow = self.len_tbl - 1 if ('start_row' in kwargs): srow = kwargs.get('start_row') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'srow= {srow:d}') if ('end_row' in kwargs): erow = kwargs.get('end_row') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'erow= {erow:d}') if (srow < 0): srow = 0 if (erow > self.len_tbl - 1): erow = self.len_tbl - 1 if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'srow= {srow:d}') logging.debug (f'erow= {erow:d}') """create outdir if it doesn't exist decimal mode work for both python2.7 and python3; 0755 also works for python 2.7 but not python3 convert octal 0775 to decimal: 493 """ d1 = int ('0775', 8) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'd1= {d1:d}') try: os.makedirs (self.outdir, mode=d1, exist_ok=True) except Exception as e: self.msg = 'Failed to create {self.outdir:s}:' + str(e) print (self.msg) sys.exit() if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('returned os.makedirs') """retrieve baseurl from conf class; """ self.baseurl = conf.server if ('server' in kwargs): self.baseurl = kwargs.get ('server') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'baseurl= {self.baseurl:s}') """urls for """ #self.getneid_url = self.baseurl + 'cgi-bin/NeidAPI/' getfile_baseurl = '' self.getneid_url = getfile_baseurl + 'get_file.php?' #self.getneid_url = getfile_baseurl + 'get_file_pyNEID.php?' if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'self.getneid_url= {self.getneid_url:s}') filename = '' filepath = '' self.ndnloaded = 0 self.ndnloaded_calib = 0 self.ncaliblist = 0 nfile = erow - srow + 1 print (f'Start downloading {nfile:d} FITS data you requested;') print (f'please check your outdir: {self.outdir:s} for progress.') """{ download srow to erow """ for l in range (srow, erow+1): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'l= {l:d}') logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('self.astropytbl[l]= ') logging.debug (self.astropytbl[l]) filename = self.astropytbl[l][ind_filenamecol] filepath = self.astropytbl[l][ind_filepathcol] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('type(datalevel)= ') logging.debug (type(datalevel)) logging.debug (type(datalevel) is bytes) if (type (filename) is bytes): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('bytes: decode') filename = filename.decode("utf-8") filepath = filepath.decode("utf-8") if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'l= {l:d} filename= {filename:s}') logging.debug (f'filepath= {filepath:s}') """get data files """ #url = self.getneid_url + 'datalevel=' + datalevel + \ # '&filepath=' + '/' + filepath + '&debug=1' url = self.getneid_url + 'filehand=' + filepath if ((datalevel == 'eng') or (datalevel == 'solareng')): url = url + '&eng' if ((datalevel == 'solarl0') or \ (datalevel == 'solarl1') or \ (datalevel == 'solarl2') or \ (datalevel == 'solareng')): url = url + '&solar' url = url + '&json' filepath = self.outdir + '/' + filename if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'filepath= {filepath:s}') logging.debug (f'url= {url:s}') """if file doesn't exist: download """ isExist = os.path.exists (filepath) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'isExist= {isExist:d}') if (not isExist): try: self.__submit_request (url, filepath, cookiejar) self.ndnloaded = self.ndnloaded + 1 self.msg = 'Returned file written to: ' + filepath if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('returned __submit_request') logging.debug (f'self.msg= {self.msg:s}') except Exception as e: print (f'File [{filename:s}] download: {str(e):s}') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'{self.len_tbl:d} files in the table;') logging.debug (f'{self.ndnloaded:d} files downloaded.') logging.debug (f'{self.ncaliblist:d} calibration list downloaded.') print (f'A total of new {self.ndnloaded:d} FITS files downloaded.') return
def __submit_request(self, url, filepath, cookiejar): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter database.__submit_request:') logging.debug (f'url= {url:s}') logging.debug (f'filepath= {filepath:s}') if not (cookiejar is None): for cookie in cookiejar: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('cookie saved:') logging.debug (f' {}') logging.debug (f'cookie.value= {cookie.value:s}') logging.debug (f'cookie.domain= {cookie.domain:s}') try: self.response = requests.get (url, cookies=cookiejar, \ stream=True) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('request sent') except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: {str(e):s}') self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Failed to submit the request: ' + str(e) raise Exception (self.msg) return if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('status_code:') logging.debug (self.response.status_code) if (self.response.status_code == 200): self.status = 'ok' self.msg = '' else: self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Failed to submit the request' raise Exception (self.msg) return if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('headers: ') logging.debug (self.response.headers) self.content_type = '' try: self.content_type = self.response.headers['Content-type'] except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception extract content-type: {str(e):s}') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'content_type= {self.content_type:s}') if (self.content_type == 'application/json'): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (\ 'return is a json structure: might be error message') jsondata = json.loads (self.response.text) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('jsondata:') logging.debug (jsondata) self.status = '' try: self.status = jsondata['status'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'self.status= {self.status:s}') except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'get status exception: e= {str(e):s}') self.msg = '' try: self.msg = jsondata['msg'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'self.msg= {self.msg:s}') except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'extract msg exception: e= {str(e):s}') errmsg = '' try: errmsg = jsondata['error'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'errmsg= {errmsg:s}') if (len(errmsg) > 0): self.status = 'error' self.msg = errmsg except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'get error exception: e= {str(e):s}') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'self.status= {self.status:s}') logging.debug (f'self.msg= {self.msg:s}') if (self.status == 'error'): raise Exception (self.msg) return """save to filepath """ if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('save_to_file:') try: with open (filepath, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in self.response.iter_content (chunk_size=1024): fd.write (chunk) self.msg = 'Returned file written to: ' + filepath if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (self.msg) except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: {str(e):s}') self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Failed to save returned data to file: %s' % filepath raise Exception (self.msg) return return def __make_query (self, url): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter __make_query:') logging.debug (f'url= {url:s}') response = None try: response = requests.get (url, stream=True) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('request sent') except Exception as e: self.msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: e= {str(e):s}') raise Exception (self.msg) content_type = response.headers['content-type'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'content_type= {content_type:s}') query = '' if (content_type == 'application/json'): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'response.text: {response.text:s}') """error message """ try: jsondata = json.loads (response.text) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('jsondata loaded') self.status = jsondata['status'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'status: {self.status:s}') if (self.status == 'ok'): query = jsondata['query'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'query: {self.query:s}') else: self.msg = jsondata['msg'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'msg: {self.msg:s}') raise Exception (self.msg) except Exception: self.msg = 'returned JSON object parse error' if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('JSON object parse error') raise Exception (self.msg) return (query)
[docs]class objLookup(object): """ objLookup wraps ExoPlanet's web name resolver into a python class; the exoLookup checks the exoplanet archive database and if that fails it checks with the Sesame web service at CDS. Sesame checks the CDS database and if that fails it checks NED. So this class covers SIMBAD, NED, and ExoPlanet search. Arguments: object (char): object name to be resolved """ lookupurl = '' msg = '' status = '' url = '' response = None source = '' input = '' objname = '' objtype = '' parsename= '' objdesc = '' ra2000= '' dec2000 = '' cra2000 = '' cdec2000 = '' debug = 0 """{ objLookup.init """ def __init__ (self, object, **kwargs): self.object = object if ('debug' in kwargs): self.debug = kwargs['debug'] self.url = self.lookupurl + 'location=' + self.object if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'url={self.url:s}') self.response = None try: self.response = requests.get (self.url, stream=True) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'response:') logging.debug (self.response) except Exception as e: self.msg = f'submit request exception: {str(e):s}' raise Exception (self.msg) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ( f'response.statu_code= {self.response.status_code:d}') logging.debug ('response.headers:') logging.debug (self.response.headers) logging.debug ('response.text:') logging.debug (self.response.text) content_type = '' try: content_type = self.response.headers['Content-type'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'content_type= {content_type:s}') except Exception as e: self.msg = f'extract content_type exception: {str(e):s}' raise Exception (self.msg) jsondata = None try: jsondata = json.loads (self.response.text) except Exception as e: self.msg = f'load jsondata exception: {str(e):s}' raise Exception (self.msg) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('jsondata:') logging.debug (jsondata) self.status = '' try: self.status = jsondata['stat'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'self.status= {self.status:s}') except Exception as e: self.msg = f'extract stat exception: {str(e):s}' if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'self.msg= {self.msg:s}') raise Exception (self.msg) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'got here: status= {self.status:s}') if (self.status.lower() == 'ok'): """{ objLookup OK, extract parameters """ if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('xxx1') try: self.source = jsondata['source'] except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'extract source exception: {str(e):s}') try: self.objname = jsondata['objname'] except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'extract objname exception: {str(e):s}') try: self.objtype = jsondata['objtype'] except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'extract objtype exception: {str(e):s}') try: self.objdesc = jsondata['objdesc'] except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'extract objdesc exception: {str(e):s}') try: self.parsename = jsondata['parsename'] except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'extract parsename exception: {str(e):s}') try: self.ra2000 = jsondata['ra2000'] except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'extract ra2000 exception: {str(e):s}') try: self.dec2000 = jsondata['dec2000'] except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'extract dec2000 exception: {str(e):s}') try: self.cra2000 = jsondata['cra2000'] except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'extract cra2000 exception: {str(e):s}') try: self.cdec2000 = jsondata['cdec2000'] except Exception as e: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'extract cdec20000 exception: {str(e):s}') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'dec2000= {self.dec2000:s}') logging.debug (f'source= {self.source:s}') logging.debug (f'objname= {self.objname:s}') logging.debug (f'objtype= {self.objtype:s}') logging.debug (f'objdesc= {self.objdesc:s}') logging.debug (f'parsename= {self.parsename:s}') logging.debug (f'ra2000= {self.ra2000:s}') logging.debug (f'dec2000= {self.dec2000:s}') logging.debug (f'cra2000= {self.cra2000:s}') logging.debug (f'cdec2000= {self.cdec2000:s}') """} end objLookup OK, extract parameters """ else: """{ objLookup Error, extract errmsg """ if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('xxx2') self.status = 'error' try: self.msg = jsondata['msg'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'errmsg= {self.msg:s}') except Exception as e: self.msg = f'extract msg exception: {str(e):s}' raise Exception (self.msg) """} end extract errmsg """ return
[docs]class NeidTap(object): """ NeidTap class provides client access to NEID's TAP service. Public data doesn't not require user login, optional NEID login via NeidLogin class are used to search a user's proprietary data. Arguments: query (string): a SQL statement in specified query language request (string): (optional) default 'doQuery' lang (string): (optional) default 'ADQL' phase (string): (optional) default 'RUN' format (string): (optional) default 'votable' maxrec (int): (optional) default '2000' cookiefile (string): a full path cookie file containing user info debug (bool): default False Examples: >>> service = NeidTap(url, cookiefile=cookiepath) # or >>> service = NeidTap(url) # or >>> job = service.send_async (query, format='votable', request='doQuery', ...) # or >>> job = service.send_sync (query, format='votable', request='doQuery', ...) """ def __init__ (self, url, **kwargs): self.url = url self.cookiename = '' self.cookiepath = '' self.async_job = 0 self.sync_job = 0 self.response = None self.response_result = None self.outpath = '' self.debug = 0 self.datadict = dict() self.status = '' self.msg = '' """tapjob contains async job's status; resulttbl is the result of sync saved an astropy table """ self.tapjob = None self.astropytbl = None if ('debug' in kwargs): self.debug = kwargs.get('debug') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter neidtap.init (debug on)') if ('cookiefile' in kwargs): self.cookiepath = kwargs.get('cookiefile') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'cookiepath= {self.cookiepath:s}') self.token = '' if ('token' in kwargs): self.token = kwargs.get('token') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'token= {self.token:s}') self.request = 'doQuery' if ('request' in kwargs): self.request = kwargs.get('request') self.lang = 'ADQL' if ('lang' in kwargs): self.lang = kwargs.get('lang') self.phase = 'RUN' if ('phase' in kwargs): self.phase = kwargs.get('phase') self.format = 'votable' if ('format' in kwargs): self.format = kwargs.get('format') self.maxrec = '0' if ('maxrec' in kwargs): self.maxrec = kwargs.get('maxrec') self.propflag = 1 if ('propflag' in kwargs): self.propflag = kwargs.get('propflag') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'url= {self.url:s}') logging.debug (f'cookiepath= {self.cookiepath:s}') logging.debug (f'propflag= {self.propflag:d}') """turn on server debug """ pid = os.getpid() self.datadict['request'] = self.request self.datadict['lang'] = self.lang self.datadict['phase'] = self.phase self.datadict['format'] = self.format self.datadict['maxrec'] = self.maxrec self.datadict['propflag'] = self.propflag if (len(self.token) > 0): self.datadict['token'] = self.token for key in self.datadict: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'key= {key:s} val= {str(self.datadict[key]):s}') self.cookiejar = http.cookiejar.MozillaCookieJar (self.cookiepath) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('cookiejar') logging.debug (self.cookiejar) if (len(self.cookiepath) > 0): try: self.cookiejar.load (ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True); if self.debug: logging.debug ( 'cookie loaded from %s' % self.cookiepath) for cookie in self.cookiejar: logging.debug ('cookie:') logging.debug (cookie) logging.debug (f' {}') logging.debug (f'cookie.value= {cookie.value:s}') logging.debug (f'cookie.domain= {cookie.domain:s}') except: if self.debug: logging.debug ('NeidTap: loadCookie exception') self.msg = 'Error: failed to load cookie file.' raise Exception (self.msg) return def send_async (self, query, **kwargs): debug = 0 if ('debug' in kwargs): debug = kwargs.get('debug') if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter send_async:') self.async_job = 1 self.sync_job = 0 url = self.url + '/async' if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'url= {url:s}') logging.debug (f'query= {query:s}') self.datadict['query'] = query """for async query, there is no maxrec limit """ self.maxrec = '0' if ('format' in kwargs): self.format = kwargs.get('format') self.datadict['format'] = self.format if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'format= {self.format:s}') if ('maxrec' in kwargs): self.maxrec = kwargs.get('maxrec') self.datadict['maxrec'] = self.maxrec if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'maxrec= {self.maxrec:d}') self.datadict['debug'] = self.debug for key in self.datadict: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'key= {key:s} val= {str(self.datadict[key]):s}') self.oupath = '' if ('outpath' in kwargs): self.outpath = kwargs.get('outpath') try: if (len(self.cookiepath) > 0): self.response = (url, data= self.datadict, \ cookies=self.cookiejar, allow_redirects=False) else: self.response = (url, data= self.datadict, \ allow_redirects=False) if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('request sent') except Exception as e: self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: e= {str(e):s}') return (self.msg) self.statusurl = '' if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'status_code= {self.response.status_code:d}') logging.debug ('self.response: ') logging.debug (self.response) logging.debug ('self.response.headers: ') logging.debug (self.response.headers) if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'status_code= {self.response.status_code:d}') """if status_code != 303: probably error message """ if (self.response.status_code != 303): if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('case: not re-direct') self.content_type = self.response.headers['Content-type'] self.encoding = self.response.encoding if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'content_type= {self.content_type:s}') logging.debug ('encoding= ') logging.debug (self.encoding) data = None self.status = '' self.msg = '' if (self.content_type == 'application/json'): """error message """ if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('self.response:') logging.debug (self.response.text) try: data = self.response.json() except Exception as e: if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'JSON object parse error: {str(e):s}') self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'JSON parse error: ' + str(e) if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'status= {self.status:s}') logging.debug (f'msg= {self.msg:s}') return (self.msg) self.status = data['status'] self.msg = data['msg'] if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'status= {self.status:s}') logging.debug (f'msg= {self.msg:s}') if (self.status == 'error'): self.msg = 'Error: ' + data['msg'] return (self.msg) """retrieve statusurl """ self.statusurl = '' if (self.response.status_code == 303): self.statusurl = self.response.headers['Location'] if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'statusurl= {self.statusurl:s}') if (len(self.statusurl) == 0): self.msg = 'Error: failed to retrieve statusurl from re-direct' return (self.msg) """create tapjob to save status result """ try: if (debug): self.tapjob = TapJob (\ self.statusurl, debug=1) else: self.tapjob = TapJob (\ self.statusurl) if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'tapjob instantiated') logging.debug (f'phase= {self.tapjob.phase:s}') except Exception as e: self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: e= {str(e):s}') return (self.msg) """loop until job is complete and download the data """ phase = self.tapjob.phase if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'phase: {phase:s}') if ((phase.lower() != 'completed') and (phase.lower() != 'error')): while ((phase.lower() != 'completed') and \ (phase.lower() != 'error')): time.sleep (2) phase = self.tapjob.get_phase() if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('here0-1') logging.debug (f'phase= {phase:s}') if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('here0-2') logging.debug (f'phase= {phase:s}') """phase == 'error' """ if (phase.lower() == 'error'): self.status = 'error' self.msg = self.tapjob.errorsummary if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'returned get_errorsummary: {self.msg:s}') return (self.msg) if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('here2: phase is completed') """phase == 'completed' """ self.resulturl = self.tapjob.resulturl if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'resulturl= {self.resulturl:s}') """send resulturl to retrieve result table """ try: self.response_result = requests.get (self.resulturl, stream=True) if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('resulturl request sent') except Exception as e: self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: e= {str(e):s}') raise Exception (self.msg) """save table to file """ if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('write data to outpath:') self.msg = self.save_data (self.outpath) if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'returned save_data: msg= {self.msg:s}') return (self.msg) def send_sync (self, query, **kwargs): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter send_sync:') logging.debug (f'query= {query:s}') url = self.url + '/sync' if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'url= {url:s}') self.sync_job = 1 self.async_job = 0 self.datadict['query'] = query """optional parameters: format, maxrec, self.outpath """ self.maxrec = '0' if ('format' in kwargs): self.format = kwargs.get('format') self.datadict['format'] = self.format if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'format= {self.format:s}') if ('maxrec' in kwargs): self.maxrec = kwargs.get('maxrec') self.datadict['maxrec'] = self.maxrec if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'maxrec= {self.maxrec:s}') self.outpath = '' if ('outpath' in kwargs): self.outpath = kwargs.get('outpath') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'outpath= {self.outpath:s}') try: if (len(self.cookiepath) > 0): self.response = (url, data= self.datadict, \ cookies=self.cookiejar, allow_redirects=False, stream=True) else: self.response = (url, data= self.datadict, \ allow_redicts=False, stream=True) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('request sent') except Exception as e: self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: e= {str(e):s}') return (self.msg) """re-direct case not implemented for send_sync if (self.response.status_code == 303): self.resulturl = self.response.headers['Location'] """ self.content_type = self.response.headers['Content-type'] self.encoding = self.response.encoding if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'content_type= {self.content_type:s}') data = None self.status = '' self.msg = '' if (self.content_type == 'application/json'): """error message """ try: data = self.response.json() except Exception: if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('JSON object parse error') self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Error: returned JSON object parse error' return (self.msg) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'status= {self.status:s}') logging.debug (f'msg= {self.msg:s}') """save table to file """ if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('got here') self.msg = self.save_data (self.outpath) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'returned save_data: msg= {self.msg:s}') return (self.msg) """} end NeidTap.send_sync """ """{ NeidTap.save_data: save data to astropy table """ def save_data (self, outpath): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter save_data:') logging.debug (f'outpath= {outpath:s}') logging.debug (f'format= {self.format:s}') tmpfile_created = 0 fpath = '' if (len(outpath) > 0): fpath = outpath else: fd, fpath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.xml', dir='./') tmpfile_created = 1 if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'tmpfile_created = {tmpfile_created:d}') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'fpath= {fpath:s}') fp = open (fpath, "wb") for data in self.response_result.iter_content(4096): len_data = len(data) if (len_data < 1): break fp.write (data) fp.close() if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'data written to file: {fpath:s}') if (len(self.outpath) > 0): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'xxx1') self.msg = 'Result downloaded to file [' + self.outpath + ']' else: """read temp outpath to astropy table """ if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'xxx2') if (self.format == 'ipac'): format = 'ascii.ipac' elif (self.format == 'votable'): format = 'votable' elif (self.format == 'csv'): format = 'ascii.csv' elif (self.format == 'tsv'): format = '' self.astropytbl = (fpath, format=format) self.msg = 'Result saved in memory (astropy table).' if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'{self.msg:s}') if (tmpfile_created == 1): os.remove (fpath) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('tmpfile {fpath:s} deleted') return (self.msg) """} end NeidTap.save_data """ """{ NeidTap.print_data: use astropy function to print data """ def print_data (self): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter print_data:') try: """ len_table = len (self.astropytbl) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'len_table= {len_table:d}') for i in range (0, len_table): row = self.astropytbl[i] print (row) """ self.astropytbl.pprint() except Exception as e: raise Exception (str(e)) return """} end NeidTap.print_data """ """{ NeidTap.get_data """
[docs] def get_data (self, resultpath): """ loop until job is complete, then download the data to the given resultpath """ if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter get_data:') logging.debug (f'async_job = {self.async_job:d}') logging.debug (f'resultpath = {resultpath:s}') if (self.async_job == 0): """sync data is in astropytbl """ self.astropytbl.write (resultpath) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('astropytbl written to resultpath') self.msg = 'Result written to file: [' + resultpath + ']' else: phase = self.tapjob.get_phase() if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'returned tapjob.get_phase: phase= {phase:s}') while ((phase.lower() != 'completed') and \ (phase.lower() != 'error')): time.sleep (2) phase = self.tapjob.get_phase() if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (\ f'returned tapjob.get_phase: phase= {phase:s}') """ phase == 'error' """ if (phase.lower() == 'error'): self.status = 'error' self.msg = self.tapjob.errorsummary if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'returned get_errorsummary: {self.msg:s}') return (self.msg) """job completed write table to disk file """ try: self.tapjob.get_result (resultpath) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'returned tapjob.get_result') except Exception as e: self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: e= {str(e):s}') return (self.msg) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('got here: download result successful') self.status = 'ok' self.msg = 'Result downloaded to file: [' + resultpath + ']' if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'self.msg = {self.msg:s}') return (self.msg)
[docs]class TapJob: """ TapJob class is used internally by TapClient class to store a Tap job's parameters and returned job status and result urls. """ def __init__ (self, statusurl, **kwargs): self.debug = 0 self.statusurl = statusurl self.status = '' self.msg = '' self.statusstruct = '' self.job = '' self.jobid = '' self.processid = '' self.ownerid = 'None' self.quote = 'None' self.phase = '' self.starttime = '' self.endtime = '' self.executionduration = '' self.destruction = '' self.errorsummary = '' self.parameters = '' self.resulturl = '' if ('debug' in kwargs): self.debug = kwargs.get('debug') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter Tapjob (debug on)') try: self.__get_statusjob() if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('returned __get_statusjob') except Exception as e: self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: e= {str(e):s}') raise Exception (self.msg) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('done TapJob.init:') return def get_status (self): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter get_status') logging.debug (f'phase= {self.phase:s}') if (self.phase.lower() != 'completed'): try: self.__get_statusjob () if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('returned get_statusjob:') logging.debug ('job= ') logging.debug (self.job) except Exception as e: self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: e= {str(e):s}') raise Exception (self.msg) return (self.statusstruct) def get_resulturl (self): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter get_resulturl') logging.debug (f'phase= {self.phase:s}') if (self.phase.lower() != 'completed'): try: self.__get_statusjob () if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('returned get_statusjob:') logging.debug ('job= ') logging.debug (self.job) except Exception as e: self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: e= {str(e):s}') raise Exception (self.msg) return (self.resulturl) def get_result (self, outpath): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter get_result') logging.debug (f'resulturl= {self.resulturl:s}') logging.debug (f'outpath= {outpath:s}') if (len(outpath) == 0): self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Output file path is required.' return if (self.phase.lower() != 'completed'): try: self.__get_statusjob () if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('returned __get_statusjob') logging.debug (f'resulturl= {self.resulturl:s}') except Exception as e: self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: e= {str(e):s}') raise Exception (self.msg) if (len(self.resulturl) == 0): self.get_resulturl() self.msg = 'Failed to retrieve resulturl from status structure.' raise Exception (self.msg) try: response = requests.get (self.resulturl, stream=True) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('resulturl request sent') except Exception as e: self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: e= {str(e):s}') raise Exception (self.msg) """retrieve table from response """ with open (outpath, "wb") as fp: for data in response.iter_content(4096): len_data = len(data) """comment block if debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'len_data= {len_data:d}') """ if (len_data < 1): break fp.write (data) fp.close() self.resultpath = outpath self.status = 'ok' self.msg = 'returned table written to output file: ' + outpath if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('done writing result to file') return def get_parameters (self): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter get_parameters') logging.debug ('parameters:') logging.debug (self.parameters) return (self.parameters) def get_phase (self): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter get_phase') logging.debug (f'self.phase= {self.phase:s}') if ((self.phase.lower() != 'completed') and \ (self.phase.lower() != 'error')): try: self.__get_statusjob () if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('returned get_statusjob:') logging.debug ('job= ') logging.debug (self.job) except Exception as e: self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: e= {str(e):s}') raise Exception (self.msg) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'phase= {self.phase:s}') return (self.phase) def get_jobid (self): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter get_jobid') if (len(self.jobid) == 0): self.jobid = self.job['uws:jobId'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'jobid= {self.jobid:s}') return (self.jobid) def get_processid (self): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter get_processid') if (len(self.processid) == 0): self.processid = self.job['uws:processId'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'processid= {self.processid:s}') return (self.processid) def get_starttime (self): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter get_starttime') if (len(self.starttime) == 0): self.starttime = self.job['uws:startTime'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'starttime= {self.starttime:s}') return (self.starttime) def get_endtime (self): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter get_endtime') if (self.phase.lower() != 'completed'): try: self.__get_statusjob () if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('returned get_statusjob:') logging.debug ('job= ') logging.debug (self.job) except Exception as e: self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: e= {str(e):s}') raise Exception (self.msg) self.endtime = self.job['uws:endTime'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'endtime= {self.endtime:s}') return (self.endtime) def get_executionduration (self): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter get_executionduration') if (self.phase.lower() != 'completed'): try: self.__get_statusjob () if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('returned get_statusjob:') logging.debug ('job= ') logging.debug (self.job) except Exception as e: self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: e= {str(e):s}') raise Exception (self.msg) self.executionduration = self.job['uws:executionDuration'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'executionduration= {self.executionduration:s}') return (self.executionduration) def get_destruction (self): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter get_destruction') if (self.phase.lower() != 'completed'): try: self.__get_statusjob () if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('returned get_statusjob:') logging.debug ('job= ') logging.debug (self.job) except Exception as e: self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: e= {str(e):s}') raise Exception (self.msg) self.destruction = self.job['uws:destruction'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'destruction= {self.destruction:s}') return (self.destruction) def get_errorsummary (self): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter get_errorsummary') if ((self.phase.lower() != 'error') and \ (self.phase.lower() != 'completed')): try: self.__get_statusjob () if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('returned get_statusjob:') logging.debug ('job= ') logging.debug (self.job) except Exception as e: self.status = 'error' self.msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: e= {str(e):s}') raise Exception (self.msg) if ((self.phase.lower() != 'error') and \ (self.phase.lower() != 'completed')): self.msg = 'The process is still running.' if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'msg= {self.msg:s}') return (self.msg) elif (self.phase.lower() == 'completed'): self.msg = 'Process completed without error message.' if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'msg= {self.msg:s}') return (self.msg) elif (self.phase.lower() == 'error'): self.errorsummary = self.job['uws:errorSummary']['uws:message'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'errorsummary= {self.errorsummary:s}') return (self.errorsummary) def __get_statusjob (self): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('Enter __get_statusjob') logging.debug (f'statusurl= {self.statusurl:s}') """ self.status doesn't exist, call get_status """ try: self.response = requests.get (self.statusurl, stream=True) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('statusurl request sent') except Exception as e: self.msg = 'Error: ' + str(e) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'exception: e= {str(e):s}') raise Exception (self.msg) if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('response returned') logging.debug (f'status_code= {self.response.status_code:d}') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('response.text= ') logging.debug (self.response.text) self.statusstruct = self.response.text if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('statusstruct= ') logging.debug (self.statusstruct) """ parse returned status xml structure for parameters """ soup = bs.BeautifulSoup (self.statusstruct, 'lxml') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('soup initialized') self.parameters = soup.find('uws:parameters') if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('self.parameters:') logging.debug (self.parameters) """convert status xml structure to dictionary doc """ doc = xmltodict.parse (self.response.text) self.job = doc['uws:job'] self.phase = self.job['uws:phase'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug (f'self.phase.lower():{ self.phase.lower():s}') if (self.phase.lower() == 'completed'): if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('xxx1: got here') results = self.job['uws:results'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('results') logging.debug (results) result = self.job['uws:results']['uws:result'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('result') logging.debug (result) self.resulturl = \ self.job['uws:results']['uws:result']['@xlink:href'] elif (self.phase.lower() == 'error'): self.errorsummary = self.job['uws:errorSummary']['uws:message'] if self.debug: logging.debug ('') logging.debug ('self.job:') logging.debug (self.job) logging.debug (f'self.phase.lower(): {self.phase.lower():s}') logging.debug (f'self.resulturl: {self.resulturl:s}') return
Neid = Archive()